Chinese Cabbage is Very good leafy cabbage for fodder and saag in northern India. It is very nutritious and tasty green leaf crop. Sweetu Premium Quality Multicut Chinese cabbage Excellent…
Oats is a major forage crop for winter season all over the country. It is very nutritious and palatable fodder crop in winter season. GL-Oats Fine graded Oat kant of…
Rye Grass is a Cold tolerant forage for winter. It can be grown alone or mix with other winter forages. It is very nutritious and healthy for animals in winter…
Barseem is a major Winter Forage crop all over the country. It is very nutritious and palatable green fodder for winter season. Farmer’s choice for healthy fodder for animals in…
Barley is also a important crop for grain production in India. BH-393 Certified Barley variety BH-393
Wheat is a major crop throughout the country. It is major grain in India for human consumption. It is very nutritious and digestive for human consumption eaten all over the…
Mustard is an important crop in India for production. It is easy to establish and major winter crop in many regions. GLM-5152 High yielding variety Bold grains with better oil…
Maize is an Important fodder crop all over the country. It is nutritious and highly digestive fodder for animals. It is high yielding crop and can be fed at any…
Pearl Millet is an important grain production crop in a large area of country especially in low rain fall areas. It is used for grain production and fodder both. Tarzan…
Fodder millet is important forage grown over a wide range of soils. Farmer’s choice for drought areas and fast need of green fodder. It is nutritious and palatable and can…